Actions from Area Panel meeting 16.08.22


Deadline for staff to respond: 14.09.22




Officer(s) Responsible


Date of Completion

Community Engagement to chase up incomplete actions from the previous meeting.

Sam Warren

Unfortunately, we had implemented a new system that meant many of the actions were not shared with the officer leaving them unanswered for the following meeting. This has now been resolved and should not happen again.

September 2022

Justine Harris to define meaning of ‘Brighton and Hove Dwellings’ as seen in the fifth bullet point of the report on page 18 of August’s agenda.


Justine Harris

The dwellings referred to were in the context of a point in the performance report at the last Area Panel. This covers 176 new council owned rented dwellings (homes) due to be delivered through the ‘Homes for Brighton & Hove’ joint venture with Hyde over the next two years. A further 170 dwellings will be owned by Hyde (of which 168 for shared ownership and 2 rented).

September 2022

Justine Harris to provide Rosemary Johnson with details on the budget of the buyback scheme.


Justine Harris

This has been published with the Housing Committee papers and is in the public domain. The figure for 22/23 is £24,569,820.

September 2022

Geofrey Gage to contact Grant Ritchie regarding system of window repairs & replacements in Craven Vale before winter.


Geofrey Gage

This is the subject of a wider consideration, Grant and I have met to discuss this and we will manage the repairs required through the repairs service on an as required basis.


Geof Gage to provide Rosemary Johnson with a copy of the Asset Management Strategy when it is released.


Geof Gage

This will not be ready for release until January 2023, and this will be published widely to all residents at that time.

January 2023

Justine Harris to provide an update on the cost of the Tillgate Close footpath

Justine Harris

There has been a delay in progressing this piece of work, due to difficulty in obtaining a costing.  We are still awaiting a final cost but it is likely to be £40,000 dependent on the need for supporting walls. A further update will be provided to Area Panel.
